Studying the Attenuation of Seismic Waves in a Fractured Reservoir

Luis Ramirez-Cruz(1) and Raul Del Valle-Garcia(2)

(1) Instituto Mexicano Del Petroleo, Mexico. (2) Nstituto de Geofisica, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico.

Contacts: (Luis Ramirez-Cruz)


Seismic attenuation analysis is used to distinguish local attenuation anomalies associated to the presence of oil and rock fractures. The study is carried out using high-resolution reflection data from a mature fractured carbonate reservoir near the northeast coast of Mexico. Production is declining considerably, for that reason, a horizontally drilling program is considered. The results obtained from in situ measurements indicate that the spectral changes and attenuation anomalies are related to the presence of hydrocarbons on the fractured reservoir rocks, however, such anomalies are also related to the highly fractured areas due to wave scattering. Moreover, the seismic attenuation patterns associated to productive zones helped to identify new potential areas and in assisting for horizontal drilling targets.
Last modified: Mon Oct 28 10:05:47 2002