Program for RAEG2009

<Room 101, Kyodai Kaikan>
Oct 15 (PM)

Opening (5min)     T. Matsuoka

Session 1: Drilling, Logging and Geophysics (Chair: Z. Xue and T. Tsuji)

Tsuji., T., S. Kodaira, J. Park, J. Ashi and T. Matsuoka
Tectonic Significance of intraoceanic faults in the Nankai Trough: Implications for inter- and intra-plate earthquakes 
Miyakawa, A., T. Tsuji,  Y. Yamada, T. Matsuoka, S. Saito and M. Kinoshita
Occurrence of gas hydrate in Kumano basin estimated from IODP Exp.314 logging data
Otsuka, H., S. Morita, M. Tanahashi, J. Ashi and S. Nagakubo
Possible migration front of gas-related fluid inferred from 3D-seismic data in the eastern Nankai Trough
Mikada, H.
Results from Logging-While-Drilling at Nankai trough during Leg-196
--- Break (15min) ---
Tosha, T. and T. Ishido
Geoelectric monitoring at CO2 geological storage
Lin, W., E.-C. Yeh and J.-H. Hung
Determination of orientation of horizontal stress and localized rotations of the orientation around faults and fractures from breakouts in a scientific drilling borehole
Hashimoto, Y., H. J. Tobin, M. W. Knuth
Ultrasonic P-wave velocity measurements with variable effective pressure at the boundary between slope basin sediments and the accretionary prism: IODP Expedition 315 Site C0001
Tsuru, T. and T. No
Application of seismic attenuation profile

Poster Session

Yoshimura, R. and Research Group for Crustal Resistivity Structure in the Niigata-Kobe Tectonic Zone
Crustal resistivity heterogeneity across the Niigata-Kobe Tectonic Zone, Chubu District, Japan
Asakawa, E., H. Mikada and T. Shimura
Study on the navigation problems of deep tow seismic
Sayanagi, K., M. Harada, T. Goto, T. Kasaya, T. Sawa, T. Nakajima, N. Isezaki, A. Takeuchi, T. Nagao, and J. Matsuo
Development of precise exploration systems for seabed resources by electrical and magnetic methods
Konishi, N., H. Mikada, K. Onishi, Y. Yasui and T. Nozu
Development of Impulse GPR antennas

Conference Dinner

<Room 101, Kyodai Kaikan>
Oct 16 (AM)
Session 2: Marine Geophysics and Natural Resouce exploration (Chair: T. Goto)

Goto, T., N. Tada, J. Takekawa and H. Mikada
Feasibility study of marine CSEM survey for exploration of submarine massive sulphide deposits
FitzGerald, D. J., J.-P. Chiles, A. Guillen, H. Holstein and A. Christensen
New developments to rapidly delineate 3D iron ore geology and resource models
Kasaya, T., T. Goto, K. Baba, M. Kinoshita, Y. Hamano and Y. Fukao
Recent progress of the Electro-Magnetic survey using ocean bottom electro magnetometer
Yamane, K. and K. H. Lee
The feasibility study for optimum marine CSEM survey design for oil exploration
--- Break (15min) ---
Steven Constable (Scripps Institution of Oceanography)
Natural Resource Exploration using Marine Controlled-Source Electromagnetic Sounding

<Room 101, Kyodai Kaikan>
Oct 16 (PM)
Session 3: New Geophysical advances (Chair: J. Takekawa)

Onishi, K. and S. Yamaguchi
Modeling interfacial tension by interparticle forces for particle method
Honda, H., H. Kobayashi and S. Yamamoto
Delta classification revisited -with aids of Google Map and Google Earth-
Aoki, N. and G. T. Schuster
Fast least squares migration with a deblurring filter
Chiang, C.-W. C.-C. Chen, C.-S. Chen, E. Bertrand and M. Unsworth
High conductive zones beneath mountain range of Taiwan imaged by MT exploration and its tectonics interpretation
--- Break (15min) ---

Session 4: Crustal scale imaging (Chair: Y. Yamada)

Doi, I,. S. Noda, Y. Iio, S. Horiuchi and S. Sekiguchi
Relationship between the detailed hypocenter distribution and the velocity structure in the western Nagano Prefecture, central Japan, derived from travel time tomography using dense array data
Nishigami, K., T. Shibutani, S. Ohmi, H. Katao, K. Yoshikawa, S. Yamaguchi, and Y. Mamada
Crustal heterogeneity and earthquake generating properties in and around the Yamasaki fault zone, Southwest Japan
Iio, Y.
Heterogeneity in the lower crust and the process by which intraplate earthquakes are generated
Mikada, H., J. Kasahara and K. Tsuruga
Explorational studies on megathrust fault plane in terms of seismic reflectivity

Closing (5min)     H. Mikada
<Room 102, Kyodai Kaikan>

Demonstration of 3D GeoModeller
(by Asbjorn Christensen, Intrepid Geophysics)
"Potential field inversion constrained by a 3D geology model"
Fee: 9.500 yen per person (cf. Fee for students is free.)