Date: Mon, 20 Oct 1997 15:15:47 -0600
From: John Stockwell 
Message-Id: <199710202115.PAA09214@wenzel.Mines.EDU>
Subject: Announcing CWP/SU Release 31

CWP Software Update: CWP/SU Release 31: 19 October 1997  (31th edition)

The new compressed tars are available at our anonymous ftp
Internet address:
The directory path is: pub/cwpcodes

The files are also available on the World Wide Web at:

The files you will need are (xx stands for the number of
the current release):
untar_me_first.xx.tar.Z    --- contains README and Portability information        --- contains the source code for the release
documentation.xx.tar.Z     --- contains the SU Users Manual
documentation.xx.tar.Z     --- contains the SU Users Manual

For incremental updating, instead take:

NOTE: gzipped versions (untar_me_first.xx.tar.gz, etc.) are now available.

Is your ftp slow? Then try:
or       path: pub/cwpcodes/outside_usa
for the full distribution, in smaller files.

For detailed information on the free materials currently
available from CWP (Center for Wave Phenomena),

% finger
% finger

The URL of the Samizdat Press is:


New, Continued, and Expanded Support:
I would like to thank the Gas Research Institute for its new
support for Seismic Unix.

I would also like to thank the Society of Exploration Geophysicists 
(SEG) for their expanded support of SU through a generous
grant from the SEG Foundation.

My thanks also goes to the Consortium Project on Seismic Inverse
Methods for Complex Structures at the Center for Wave Phenomena
for its continuing financial support of the SU project.

Recent Article:
Stockwell, Jr. J. W. (1997), Free Software in Education: A case
	 study of CWP/SU: Seismic Un*x, The Leading Edge, July 1997.


Mirror Site:
Pacific Rim:
Thanks to: Dr. Sang-yong Suh (

SU Related Links:
Edo Nyland's GeoPhysics 428 course, which uses SU

SUNT: Hugh Winkler's port of CWP/SU to Windows NT/Windows 95

Jeff Barker's Animations with SU data.

John Scales' Theory of Seismic Imaging is a course that uses SU


Distributed applications of Seismic Unix:
Alejandro Murillo's Distributed Seismic Unix (DSU) and 
Wences Gouveia's Distributed Reflectivity code, as well
as other applications in distributed seismic computing may
be found at:

What's New in SU:

Global changes:
Thanks to Stew Levin of Mobil for supplying a vast collection of
changes to further implement tighter coding standards. Practically
every code has been modified as a result of Stew's important 

A special thanks, also, to Toralf Foerster of the Baltic Sea Research
Institute in Rostock, Germany for many helpful bug fixes and
suggestions for the package.


New Software:

su/main/supsmigpspi.c - phase shift plus interpolation migration
su/main/supsmigsplit.c - split-step migration
su/main/supsmigfd.c - 45 and 65 degree finite-difference migration
su/main/supsmigffd.c - fourier based phase shift migration
	Thanks to Baoniu Han, CWP.

su/main/sukfilter - a radial filter with trapezoidal-sin^2 tapered
                    cross section in the (k1,k2) domain.
			John Stockwell

su/main/sukfrac - apply factors of i|k| to data in (k1,k2) domain
			John Stockwell

Mesa/lib - libraries for Mesa OpenGL 3D Graphics
	    Thanks to Zhaobo Meng of CWP
Mesa/main/trip.c  -  
	    Thanks to Zhaobo Meng of CWP

Third_Party/PV-Wave:  Support for the commercial PV-Wave package
Thanks to:  Martin Luethi of VAW, ETH Zurich, Switzerland

Fortran Support:
Several fortran seismic modeling and migration codes that were
developed at CWP as part of the Consortium Project on Seismic Inverse
Methods for Complex Structures have been added to the SU package.

su/main/sushift.c -- shifted/windowed traces in time
	Thanks to Toralf Foerster, Baltic Sea Reaserch Institute,
		Rostock Germany.

Fortran/Cshot -  codes and demos for Common Shot ray-trace based
		 seismic modeling
		 Original code by Paul Docherty 
Fortran/Cwell -  codes and demos for Common Shot ray-trace based
		 seismic modeling
		 Original code by Paul Docherty
Fortran/Cxzco -  codes and demos for Common offset true amplitude seismic
                 migration (inversion) in 2.5D
		 Original code by Ching-Hsiang Hsu
Fortran/Cxzcs -  codes and demos for Common Shot true amplitude seismic
                 migration (inversion) in 2.5D
		 Original code by Wenji Dong
Fortran/Triso -  Ray tracing in multi-layer (flat layers) transversely
                 isotropic media
		 Original code by Sebastien Geoltrain



tri/graphics/psplot/spsplot.c -- Updated to include the new
			 ticwidth, axeswidth, and gridwidth options.
Thanks to:  Morten Pedersen of the University of Aarhus, Denmark.
psplot/main/psimage.c -- added legend (gray/color scale) option.
Thanks to: Torsten Schoenfelder, Koeln, Germany.

cwp/lib/tempname.c -- changed declaration of name[BUFSIZ] from
			char to static char
Thanks to:  Marc Schaming of the Ecole et Observatoire des
            Sciences de la Terre Laboratoire de Geophysique Marine,
            Strasbourg, France.
par/lib/VND.c --  new internal documentation
Thanks to:  John Anderson of Mobil

su/main/segyhdrs.c -- fixed to permit "binary" and "header" files
			for segywrite to be made on the fly
Thanks to:  Stew Levin of Mobil

su/main/segyread.c -- modified to permit input from standard input.
Thanks to:  Tony Kocurko of the Memorial University of Newfoundland

su/main/sukdmig2d.c -- now takes into account "scalco" header value
Thanks to: Jan Thorbeck of Cray Research/Silicon Graphics

su/main/sustatic.c -- program handled negative "scalel" header values
Thanks to:  Michelle Miller of California State University, Chico.

su/main/sustatic.c -- bug in the static computation fixed
Thanks to: Donat Demanet  University of LIEGE, Belgium.

Portability/README_DEC_ALPHA - instructions for installing on
				Dec Alpha systems with GCC and
				GNU Make.
Thanks to: Gilles Grandjean of BRGM, Orleans, France.

xplot/main/xcontour.c - xcontour now works on RS6000s
Thanks to: Gilein J. Steensma of CSM and 
  Morten Pedersen, University of Aarhus, Denmark.

su/main/segdread.c - updated 
	Thanks to Marc Schaming of the 
	Institut de Physique du Globe, Strassbourg, Franc