徐 世博(Shibo Xu)  

京都大学大学院 工学研究科 社会基盤工学専攻
資源工学講座 応用地球物理学分野 

Lab of Geophysics, Department of Civil and Earth Resources Engineering, Kyoto University

Assistant Professor

Education ():

2007. 9—2011.06 Bachelor: Jilin University (JLU), China

2011.07—2014.07 Master:  Jilin University (JLU), China

2014.08—2018.08 PhD: Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Norway

2018.09—2018.12. Teaching Assistant: Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Norway

2019.01—2019.07, Postdoctoral Researcher: University of Calgary (UC), Canada

2019.07—Present, Assistant Professor, Kyoto University, Japan

Intended Areas (研究内容):

Seismic wave propagation, Seismic anisotropy, Numerical simulation and inversion in exploration geophysics, multiparameter FWI

Publications (業績一覧):

1)      Xu* S, Stovas A, Alkhalifah T and Mikada H, 2019, New acoustic approximation for the transversely isotropic with a vertical symmetry axis, Geophysics, (Accepted).

2)      Xu* S and Stovas A, 2019, Traveltime approximation for converted waves in elastic orthorhombic media, Geophysics, 84, C229-C237.

3)      Xu* S and Stovas A, 2019, The kinematics of S waves in acoustic orthorhombic media, Geophysical Prospecting, 67, 1983-2002.

4)      Xu* S and Stovas A, 2019, Singularity point in effective orthorhombic medium computed from zero- and infinite-frequency limit, Geophysical Journal International, 217, 319-330.

5)      Xu* S and Stovas A, 2019, Estimation of the conversion point position in elastic orthorhombic media, Geophysics, 84, C15-C25.

6)      Xu* S and Stovas A, 2018, Triplications on traveltime surface for pure and converted wave modes in elastic orthorhombic media, Geophysical Journal International, 215, 677-694.

7)      Xu* S and Stovas A, 2018, Generalized non-hyperbolic approximation for qP-wave relative geometrical spreading in a layered transversely isotropic medium with a vertical symmetry axis, Geophysical Prospecting, 66, 1290-1302.

8)      Xu* S and Stovas A, 2018, Fresnel zone in VTI and orthorhombic media, Geophysical Journal International, 213, 181-193.

9)      Xu* S, Stovas A and Sripanich Y, 2018, An anelliptic approximation for geometrical spreading in transversely isotropic and orthorhombic media, Geophysics, 83, C37-C47.

10)   Xu* S and Stovas A, 2017, A new parameterization for acoustic orthorhombic media, Geophysics, 82, C229-C240.

11)   Xu* S and Stovas A, 2017, Three-dimensional generalized nonhyperbolic approximation for relative geometrical spreading, Geophysical Journal International, 211, 1162-1175.

12)   Xu* S, Stovas A and Hao Q, 2017, Perturbation-based moveout approximations in anisotropic media, Geophysical Prospecting, 65, 1218-1230.

13)   Xu* S and Stovas A, 2017, Preserved traveltime smoothing in orthorhombic media, Geophysical Prospecting, 65, 1205-1217.

14)   Xu* S, Stovas A and Alkhalifah T, 2016, Estimation of the anisotropy parameters from imaging moveout of diving wave in a factorized VTI medium, Geophysics, 81, C139-C150.

15)   Xu* S and Stovas A, 2015, Curvature and anisotropy estimation through the CRS approximation. Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 12, 934-945.

16)   D Wang*, W Bao, S Xu, 2014, Seismic data interpolation with Curvelet domain sparse constrained inversion. Journal of Seismic Exploration, 23(1): 89-102.

17)   Xu* S and Wang D, 2013, Acoustic numerical simulation for VTI media, Global Geology, 16, 226-231.